Thursday, August 18, 2011

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  • garamchai2go
    12-18 08:54 AM
    Is this situation only in Chennai consulate or in all consulates in general? I have not heard of any trouble at other consulates. I am taking an appointment this week and will choose a consulate that may work faster (Delhi or Cal).

    Any feed back will be appreciated.

    vfs received my passport today i.e., Dec 18th. Dec 6th 1400 hrs was the H1b appointment.

    Here's an extract from Mr.Aytes
    PIMS (Petition Information Management System)

    Under PIMS, every consul must see information of an I-129 petition on the system before issuing a visa. As background information, we reproduce the following from an advisory on AILA Infonet:

    �Under PIMS, I-129 petitions requesting consular notification as the procedural benefit are sent to KCC (Kentucky Consular Center) after approval. KCC enters key data from the petition into PIMS and scans in key documents such as I-129 form, employer support letter, and identification documents of beneficiary. KCC also performs some database checks looking for evidence of fraud, violations, or other adverse history and records (including from SEVIS) and records its findings in PIMS. When a post is ready to grant a visa based on a petition (and apparently this includes derivatives), it must confirm the petition in PIMS before issuance. DOS knows that USCIS has not been sending change of status or extension of stay petitions to KCC at all, and we expect that interagency discussions are underway about changing that. We know also that even some consular notification petitions have not been sent to KCC. Any petition not sent to KCC will not show up in PIMS, and there may be other reasons why a petition sent to KCC does not show up in PIMS. When a post does not find a petition in PIMS, it must email to KCC, which unlike posts has direct access to USCIS' CLAIMS3 system where USCIS records petition approvals. KCC will record the fact of the petition approval and any other information it chooses, and when posts check PIMS they can find the information on which visa approval can be based. But until the post sees the petition in PIMS, the visa cannot be granted.�

    Mr. Aytes acknowledged that PIMS caught consuls by surprise. Every client must be warned of a wait of 2-4 working days before being issued a visa at an overseas consular post. It is likely that an I-129 petition filed as a change or extension of status will result in further delays as USCIS does not send information on those petitions to the KCC.

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    08-25 11:39 AM
    If you want to be smarter than them jump to online SBI boat , they have the best Online rate and let ICICI know next time that you switched loyalty because they were getting smarted beyond range.

    Good info, thanks. I recently registered with the SBI NY ( branch office, to use their remittance service to send money home (to an SBI India account), but you have to fill out and mail a remittance form to them each time you want to do this.

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  • rheoretro
    09-13 03:36 PM
    Yes, I obviously cannot diasgree with that logic; it is all about votes. But, I looked at the articles: the one in WASH POST is about illegal immigration. Also, there is no article in NY TIMES. We need the big newspapers and PBS to discuss our issue repeatedly.

    Also, all these articles should be on a sitcky thread for all to see.

    Why don't you write and sumbit an op-ed piece to The NY Times? While I personally like watching Jim Lehrer's newshour on PBS, we shouldn't get obsessed with a particular program. We have been featured all over the mainstream media.

    Here's the Washington Post Article that inspired me to join IV in April. I challenge you to write an article that will get us our next 6,000 members. And alll news articles about IV exist on a thread. Please look carefully before you trash our efforts. Thank you.

    Skilled Immigrants Turn to K Street
    High-Tech Workers Awaiting Green Cards Hire Lobbyists, Hit the Hill
    By S. Mitra Kalita
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, April 26, 2006; D01
    On the December day when Congress killed a budget amendment that might have allowed him to become an American a little sooner, Aman Kapoor started a movement.
    He did not march through streets, carry signs, wave a flag from here or there. He did not walk off the job or file out of school. The computer programmer simply went online to a message board tracked by thousands of people in his predicament: highly skilled foreigners waiting years for their green cards.
    "I think we can do better and really create the impact with organized effort," he wrote. "To achieve this we need a group of individuals who have shown commitment and motivation in this forum."
    The next night, a dozen people living across the United States shed their Internet handles -- Kapoor's was "WaldenPond," a nod to his hero, Henry David Thoreau -- and addressed one another by name on a conference call that lasted an hour. Today, just four months later, the organization they dubbed Immigration Voice boasts 3,000 members; a fundraising goal of $200,000; and, most notably, a partnership with a high-powered lobbying firm, Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC.
    The group's transformation from an insular circle to a politically active movement offers a window into an alternative immigrant campaign being waged as the Senate this week resumes its work on immigration laws.
    Most members and all the core organizers of Immigration Voice hail from India, though Chinese membership numbers in the hundreds and is on the rise. Most arrived on an international student visa or a visa known as the H-1B, reserved for highly skilled workers who can stay for up to six years -- unless an employer sponsors their green cards, which grant immigrants permanent residence in the United States and the right to live and work here freely. Over the past decade, the largest numbers of H-1Bs have been awarded to high-technology workers from India and China.
    Thus, while the passage of a strict border-security bill introduced by Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner Jr. (R-Wis.) mobilized many other immigrants in December, members of this high-tech group had their eye on another: a budget reconciliation bill that, in the Senate version, would have allowed those waiting in line for a green card to proceed even if the quota had been exhausted. The provision was cut in conference committee, stirring many to action and leading to the founding of Immigration Voice.
    While hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets to get Congress's attention, Immigration Voice took a decidedly different approach. Shortly after the group was established, Kapoor and other volunteers began interviewing lobbyists, relying mostly on Google searches and data from the Center for Public Integrity's Web site.
    "If it was not going to be big, it would not be worth the effort," said Kapoor, who works for Florida State University and has traveled to Washington nine times in the past three months. "Most of us have reached that point, having waited for eight or nine years, where individual lives are on hold."
    Neither Quinn Gillespie nor Immigration Voice would disclose the amount being paid for the firm's services. Kapoor said it is "less than five figures."
    "This is a sympathetic story," said Nick Maduros, a lobbyist for Quinn Gillespie. "For this group, their issues are very technical and are frankly not that controversial, but they have been overshadowed ."
    Immigration Voices also enlisted the help of Rick Swartz, who has his own firm and has long been a leading lobbyist for immigration groups. Swartz gathered members of the group at his home one January weekend for a crash course in American politics, teaching them to position themselves as the "new Cubans for the Republicans."
    Although their numbers are far smaller -- fewer than 2 million Indians live in the United States, according to the 2000 Census -- the group is among the more affluent immigrant communities. And because their numbers are smaller than those of Hispanics, they are trying to focus on other ways they can exert power -- through their wealth, their positions of influence in the high-tech and business communities, and their alliances with more established advocacy groups such as one for Indian physicians and an Indian political action committee.
    While the immigrant marchers' demands have covered a range of issues, including allowing immigrants to gain legal status and eventually citizenship, the members of this association are more narrowly focused: They want Congress to pass measures that would end the years-long wait for a green card. In fact, they warn that efforts to enable millions of illegal immigrants to remain here permanently would result in the same bureaucratic nightmare legal immigrants are now facing.
    "If you're going to reform, reform across the board," said Bharati Mandapati, who oversees content for the group, which means she has learned how to word and pitch legislative amendments.
    The group has refrained from taking a stand on the fate of the undocumented workers, though it monitors chatter on its Web site to ensure that frustrated high-tech workers don't disparage lower-skilled laborers such as landscapers and restaurant workers. It also has stayed mum on raising the cap on H-1Bs, the visas that made most of their passages possible.
    Under a proposal introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), the number of employment-based green cards being issued would increase from 140,000 to 290,000. Currently, no one country is supposed to take up more than 7 percent of the allotment, though unused green cards can be redistributed to countries that have already met their quota. That has made possible migrations in excess of 7 percent from nations such as India, China, Mexico and the Philippines. Under the proposal, the per-country cap would be increased to a hard and fast 10 percent. Proponents say this would prevent one country from dominating the category and would retain jobs for native-born Americans.
    But Mandapati, a California-based economist, argues that the restriction would hurt the United States because the demand for skills changes. "It just so happens that computer technology and certain technical skills are in great demand here and all over the world. It just so happens that there are two countries that have invested a lot of resources in educating people in these fields . . . India and China."
    About a half-million immigrants are caught in the green-card backlog, some as they wait for Labor Department approval or because quotas have been exceeded. In that time, they cannot be promoted or given substantial pay increases because that would mean a change in job description and salary. They turn to Web sites to compare their wait times with others, and their Internet handles, such as "stucklabor" and "waiting_labor," exude their frustration.
    During meetings on Capitol Hill, Maduros and at least one Immigration Voice representative lay out the group's platform, weaving in the personal stories of members. Shilpa Ghodgaonkar, a Germantown housewife, has become a staple anecdote -- and a frequent visitor on the Hill.
    For four years, she and her husband have been waiting for their green cards. Ghodgaonkar's husband arrived on an H-1B visa, and she followed as his dependent, unauthorized to work here. To pass the time, she learned to cook. Then she volunteered as a career counselor in Montgomery County. Last year, she earned her MBA from George Washington University. In December, around the time Kapoor sent out his e-mail plea for mass mobilization, Ghodgaonkar had run out of options.
    "I just couldn't keep quiet anymore," Ghodgaonkar said. "I cannot be depressed anymore."
    She keeps a spreadsheet that lays out appointment times and the senators' offices she has visited or still plans to: Specter, Frist, Schumer, Brownback, Bingaman, Feinstein, Feingold. Wednesdays bring a weekly call with Quinn Gillespie. And every few nights, there are conference calls among Immigration Voice's core team.
    Now the group plans to closely watch the debate resuming in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Earlier this month, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.) proposed amendments with all of the group's provisions. Other lawmakers confirm that they are still meeting with the group to hear their concerns.
    Immigration Voice leaders say the past few months have focused and politicized Indian immigrants in a way that was not apparent in the past. "There is a very 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' quality" about the current effort, Mandapati said. "It's been a journey, a loss of naivet� and getting to know about American politics."
    � 2006 The Washington Post Company

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  • gc_on_demand
    06-17 09:44 AM
    Please call lawmakers listed on home page.


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  • number30
    04-28 12:43 PM
    With my very best wishes to those of you waiting for your GC, this thread is created for the lucky among us who received it recently. I am putting together a list of things to do, and not do, to maintain our freshly minted PR status, which should also help during future citizenship application. The list is mostly about little things that others have learned from experience (and I am learning from their experience, by reading in immigration-related forums such as IV). The more obvious things that can be found for example in USCIS handbook ( are not included here. Below is a snapshot of what I have gleaned from Internet so far, and please add your own input(s):

    LIST of DO's :

    1. Carry the original PR card on your person at all times (e.g. in your wallet), keep photocopies in different places, and also store A# on your computers. Note: This is a contentious issue (do a google on "carry green card" and see for yourself), despite being required by law ( D&vgnextchannel=4f719c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD). Some people are naturally worried about losing wallet and the eventual hassle of replacing the lost card ( D&vgnextchannel=db029c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD), whereas others, including me, prefer to follow the law, in case I am suddenly asked to produce evidence of my legal status (e.g. in some border states, or unforeseen events, such as being involved in an out-of-state car accident where showing my DL might just not be enough). Failure to comply may result in, at best a fine, and at worst detention for breaking a law. (See comments by InTheMoment below for additional perspectives.)

    2. Retain all original copies of USCIS documents related to your legal status during the entire period of stay in USA, and shred all photocopies (except when you have a photocopy but not its original).

    3. Retain all employment-related documents, particularly original copies of appointment letters.

    4. Retain copies of all tax return forms from the year of your first entry, or (at least) previous 10 years (you can request IRS (, or your professional tax preparer, for any missing copy).

    5. Maintain a detailed log of USA exit/entry, including dates, POE and countries traveled, beginning with the day of first entry.

    6. Maintain a detailed list of all legal troubles, including minor traffic infractions such as speeding violations (ignore parking violations, because they do not constitute legal "detention"), going as far back as possible. Keep copies of all relevant court papers, traffic tickets, proof of any payment (e.g. scanned copies of personal checks used, credit card statements), and so on.

    7. Update your social security card ( to remove any restrictive clause about work authorization printed on it. Note: AFAIK, the procedure changes nothing as far as your privileges go, and some of you may not even have such a clause on your SS card (I don't have it either).

    8. Return your I-94 cards to POE on your next trip outside USA, to "close the open files" on your past travels (I do not know what it means though). Note: AFAIK, this is also not required, and besides, you should have the chance to do this while applying for citizenship.

    9. Renew DL to get rid of the annoying "Temporary" word (in case you are in one of those states that do this).

    10. Update your status with your employer by filing new I-9 form (thanks to InTheMoment for this point).

    11. Continue to inform USCIS ( D) about change of address within 10 days of moving, as before (thanks to seahawks for this point).

    12. Keep a list of current and past residential addresses, including dates of stay. Retain all leases/ownership documents.

    13. Remember the basics: Initiate your GC/passport renewal process at least 6 months before expiry/Intl travel (Thanks to pappu for this point.)

    14. And yes, move the family first commitment at the top of your must-do list, now that you have less worry about re-entry, and make that long-delayed trip home to see your old folks one more time. (I am visiting my 83-yr old Dad, who still has more hair than I do, and less gray too, in June.)

    LIST of DONOT's :

    1. Do not sign up for voter registration card. In particular, never vote in national/state/local elections that are open only to citizens, because this is also a law ( D&vgnextchannel=4f719c7755cb9010VgnVCM10000045f3d6a1 RCRD). Even an accidental mistake (e.g. voting out of ignorance) is a serious offense, which would not only derail your future citizenship plan, but may even result in deportation.

    2. Do not develop a pattern of frequent and/or long absences from USA, unless you have taken prior permission for valid reasons (e.g., studying abroad, medical emergencies etc). Otherwise you may face trouble at POE on your next re-entry attempt, because DHS has become stricter in recent times about possible misuse of PR status, and POE folks are now trained to spot such patterns.

    3. Do not switch job soon after getting GC. This is one of the most discussed, but least understood, issues because no one seems to agree on "how soon is soon". The rule of thumb appears to be "6 months", and a safer bet is "1 year" (here is a thread ( on another forum). This again relates to USCIS being increasingly sensitive to possible misuse of PR status, and this question will come up during your citizenship application process. (But, as InTheMoment points out below, the issue becomes moot if you invoke AC21.)

    4. Those of us who self-sponsored our GC via NIW or EB1A route are not bound by such employer-employee commitment, but you should continue working in "similar areas of expertise" that you claimed in your NIW/EB1A petition, and preferably on a longer time scale.

    Thanks to the folks below whose inputs keep the list growing.

    Stuck(no more)InTheMuck

    Just One more in DOs.

    File AR-11 whenever you move.

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  • jamesbond007
    09-17 01:39 PM
    If today its approved in the house..we are goes the Prez for signing and we all add another card to our wallets:o

    The above thread helps understand the legislation process.
    HR5882 is currently going thru step B.

    A little ways to go after that step, before it becomes law.


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  • gc28262
    01-28 03:28 PM
    One has to remember that the famous "AC21" is also a memo! My only concern is that we need to have a really good reason why we think AC21 is legal, and should be abided by, by USCIS, but the latest "E-E Relationship" memo is not legal, or is unjust...

    AILA wants to fight this on the grounds that such directives cannot be mandated in the form of a memo, but laws have to be passed. What if USCIS retracts the AC21 memo on the same grounds?

    AC21 doesn't contradict any law. AC21 memo is a real memo. It provides guidance for areas that are not clearly defined. So no point in comparing AC21 memo against the latest illegal memo by USCIS.

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  • anil_gc
    07-15 06:13 AM


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  • Desertfox
    10-04 03:16 PM
    Not a single post to counter kumar1's argument!!! I wonder where the interfiling opponent MS/PHDs are gone!:confused:

    My post is going to make few MS/Phd people angry over here. Correct me if I am wrong, but when you came here to do MS/Phd, you came on a student visa...Right? Student visa comes under Non Permanent Non Resident alien category. All of you had a burden to prove to the US consulate that after you complete your degree, you would go back to your home country. All of you prepared for that and you knew the moment you said, I might not come back, F1 would be gone! You said this...every time you went back for F1 visa revalidation. Mind you..that H1/H4 never had that burden. They could have easily said that yes, if I like USA, I might not come back.
    Now fast forward....MS/Phd is done. Suddenly...."I will go home after MS/Phd" statement is gone..and hunt for H1-B is on! Once they get H1-B, hunt for Green Card starts. Once this heavy head Phd guy, who spent last 5 years on 1500 bucks a month is in GC line....he also realizes that hey, H1-Bs should not be allowed to interfile. After all, they all work for desi consulting companies. Yeah..right! Look who is talking! All H1s should come in EB-3, after all they did not go through 1500 bucks a month for 5 years.
    Here comes a Phd guy who always lied to the system saying "I love my home country, my research would do wonders to the society at home" is not leaving any stone unturned to get his GC (faster than anyone else).....tell me, who is inferior? A Phd student who lied to the system for 4/5 years and suddenly changed his intent or an H1-B candidate who never had the burden to prove that he would go back.

    All of us are part of this very painful journey! I have spent 8 years on H1-B and I am still waiting for my GC. I work for a desi consulting company, my GC is in EB-3, I have a B.Tech. degree from IIT and I am sick and tired of this GC mess.

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  • pd052009
    04-04 08:29 PM


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  • raju123
    05-24 04:14 PM
    Congress is putting so much of restrictions on H1B and reducing Green Card for employment based.

    I think this is the time to negotiate with Businesses and try to release a joint statement that

    "Business will transfer the jobs to India/China along with people who are currently on H1B and struck in Green Card backlog. This may force business to close some divisions in the US and eventually US citizens will loose job."

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  • GCapplicant
    08-12 05:40 PM
    Just went thru Ron's forum -
    what does this mean-

    Re: HR 5924 relief for the shortage of nurses


    The Congressional Hispanic Caucus again reiterated its opposition to any immigration legislation that does not address an amnesty for illegals and said that they will block any attempts to pass smaller immigration bills.



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  • chanduv23
    06-03 12:13 PM
    Congratulations, and that is probably the most 'relieving' MTR approval message ever.

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    Definitely - some "comforting words after the person went through so much stress" looks like the officer knows what exactly to write :)

    It is like a cardiologist saying "I can fix any kind of heart except a broken heart" :) :) :)

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  • franklin
    07-12 01:37 AM
    There will be an update conference call this Thursday at 7.30 pm.

    pm me for details if you don't know them already!


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  • RoseDenver
    07-18 12:00 PM

    I am new to IV and am just starting to read some of the blogs. I figured I could use some advice from you all since I'm at a point of giving up hopes. I am on H-1B visa through my employment at a university (as a Professional Research Assistant), but working at a non-profit organization (NPO) who funds a research project between the two entities. My H visa is reaching its max of 6 years in Jul 2008. The NPO would like to keep me beyond that and I've told them about the PR petition. THe problem is my position will be based on funding availability, in which they could guarantee employment until Mar 2008, and are working towards raising more funding beyond that period. Is the NPO still able to file a PR petition for me? What about the "ability to pay" which they use to hold back on pursuing the petition?

    Thank you all for your inputs.

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  • sparuthi
    09-17 01:48 PM
    I am not seeing any movement in the video. I can just see the American Eagle on the screen? any idea whats going on.. ? ??


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  • Oli-G
    06-22 07:59 PM
    and that, my friend, is just childish behavior =)

    Battle finished a few days ago. People have a right to want to kow the winner, and to get "excited". I'd kinda like to know also ;).

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  • chanduv23
    05-24 01:22 PM
    Yes - I am not bothered. These laws are a joke. Guess, we must just laugh at them.

    From what it looks like - they want to appease the PG, Numbersusa etc.. kinda groups.

    It also seems to me that lawmaker's message for groups like IV etc... clear - layoff -- as you people don't vote

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  • coopheal
    05-23 04:38 PM
    When you call the law makers and tell them you support XYZ bill.. my question is what do you get out of it!

    When the lawmaker realizes that he is getting 10000 calls from LEGAL aliens,
    >who are not from his constituency,
    >who can�t vote and
    >who can�t contribute to his election campaign�
    what is the motivation for the law maker to support the bill�

    So to avoid sounding stupid and foolish and desperate when you call� a more logical approach would be to :
    a) Generate a public petition form on IV website and have all the members� login and sign the forms digitally�
    b) Then have IV reps.. fax them and send them to lobby groups �.
    c) Lawmakers will listen to one talking head�and not worry abt 1000 calls that borders on ..�saar �support the bill saar�..

    How many of you have actually talked to the lawmakers? Its always the assistant!

    But instead .. someone says we have a signed petition of 25000 members effected by immigration mess �. And it�s a hi tech workers lobby group ..every lawmaker will talk to you and not the assistant!

    Conclusion: calling the lawmakers haphazardly is actually hurting IV a certain extent!

    Clarify to me how your objections dont apply to a petition signed by 25000 legal aliens:
    >who are not from his constituency,
    >who can�t vote and
    >who can�t contribute to his election campaign�

    10-30 05:26 PM

    I am in same boat as you.

    2 i-140's approved with same company, both are EB2, one is RIR one is PERM.

    PERM one had Jan 2006 PD where my RIR had Nov 2004.

    I-485 was applied using Nov 2004. USCIS may be looking at other one and thinking PD is not current. What a mess.
    leoindiano, I too have exactly same situation. Two I140 both EB2, one RIR (Nov 2004) and other PERM (Jan 2006). I called Nebraska SC using POJ method and verified with them if both 140 are linked to my 485 application or not. IO confirmed it over the phone and then reiterated that later PD is going to get picked up so my case is current per them. So, I would suggest that you do the same thing.
    Another thing is that, after opening a service request, you can send a followup email to ncsc email address and get your query about priority date answered . I did that too and even got response from them . (Both A# consolidation and difference in PD)

    06-15 10:55 AM