Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Nice lines of life : love even those who hurt u

1-Nice lines of life:"The tree does not withdraw its shade from the woodcutter"So, love even those who hurt u.
They'll realise ur importance one day.....

A Girl Got 1st Class in B.Ed Exam
Her Excited Boyfriend Sent SMS to Girl's Father.
'Your Daughter is First Class in Bed!.

Baap Behosh

3-Film: ''LOOT LO INDIA''
Hero: Manmohan Singh
Heroine: Sonia Gandhi
Villain: ramdev baba, anna hazare
Supporting actor: Suresh Kalmadi, A Raja.
Script by: Karunanidhi
Friendly Appearence: RAHUL GANDHI
Comedy: Kapil Sibbal..
Characterless Actor: N.D. Tiwari, Sharad Pawar & digvijay singh..
Dancer: Sheila Dixit..
Spl Lungi dance sequence  by: chidambaram..
Guest Appearance: AJMAL KASAB & AFZAL GURU...
Banking partner: Madhu Koda,  Hasan Ali, Balwa
Financed By:"POOR PEOPLE OF INDIA" send dis msg 2 every person u know till our country awake.